Roblox Ice Cream Simulator Script Site

  1. Roblox Ice Cream Simulator Script Site Pc
  2. Roblox Ice Cream Simulator Script Site Play
Jan 31st, 2018
Roblox Ice Cream Simulator Script Site

Ice Cream SImulator Script. Not a member of Pastebin yet? Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features! Ice Cream SImulator Script. Not a member of Pastebin yet? Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features!

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Roblox Ice Cream Simulator Script Site Pc

  1. -- So i was just experimenting and i found out this
  2. -- If to go into the cave on the expansion and you dont want to get 20,000 execute this script
  3. -- Script:
  4. local Players=game:GetService('Players')
  5. Players.LocalPlayer.leaderstats.Ice.Value = 20000
  6. -- but you must have 75,000 cash and then just purchase access
  7. -- if you dont have 75,00 try this script i have not tested it though
  8. -- Script:
  9. Players.LocalPlayer.leaderstats.Ice.Value = 20000
  10. Players.LocalPlayer.leaderstats.Money.Value = 75000
  11. -- ik they are bad scripts but they work
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Roblox Ice Cream Simulator Script Site Play