Giant Cat Pet Simulator Roblox

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  1. Pet Simulator Giant Cat Script
  2. Roblox Pet Simulator Giant Cat Pet
  3. Giant Cat Code Pet Simulator Roblox
  4. Giant Cat Plush Pet Simulator
Dec 3rd, 2019
Giant Cat Pet Simulator Roblox
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  1. ['Coin Farm']={
  2. ['MinHP']=10000;-- Min hp of the coins
  3. }
  4. game.Workspace['__THINGS'].Drops.ChildAdded:Connect(function()
  5. for i , v inpairs(game.Workspace['__THINGS'].Drops:GetChildren())do
  6. local oh1 ={{v.Name,'id'..r },{false,false}}
  7. game:GetService('Workspace')['__THINGS']['__REMOTES']['take drop']:FireServer(oh1)
  8. end
  9. whiletruedo
  10. for num,coin inpairs(game.workspace['__THINGS'].Coins:GetChildren())do
  11. if coin:FindFirstChild('Settings')~=niland coin.Settings.Health.Value <= settings['Coin Farm']['MaxHP']and coin.Settings.Health.Value >= settings['Coin Farm']['MinHP']then
  12. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = coin.POS.CFrame +,9e+4,0)
  13. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid:ChangeState(11)
  14. for i , c inpairs(game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.Inventory.Frame.Container.Holder.Pets:GetChildren())do
  15. if c:FindFirstChild('Equipped')~=niland c.Equipped.Visible truethen
  16. workspace.__THINGS.__REMOTES:FindFirstChild'join coin':InvokeServer({{coin.Name,c.Name},{false,false}})
  17. workspace.__THINGS.__REMOTES:FindFirstChild'change pet target':FireServer({{c.Name,'Coin',coin.Name},{false,false,false}})
  18. workspace.__THINGS.__REMOTES:FindFirstChild'farm coin':FireServer({{coin.Name,c.Name},{false,false}})
  19. end
  20. wait()
  21. workspace.__THINGS.__REMOTES:FindFirstChild'farm coin':FireServer({{coin.Name,c},{false,false}})
  22. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid:ChangeState(11)
  23. until game.workspace['__THINGS'].Coins:FindFirstChild(coin.Name)nilor game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character nilor coin nil
  24. end

Pet Simulator Giant Cat Script

RAW Paste Data
Apr 8th, 2011

Roblox Pet Simulator Giant Cat Pet

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Giant Cat Code Pet Simulator Roblox

  1. print('Loading Pet Script... By dyarian')
  2. me = game.Players.InsertNameHere --If you can't figure out what this means, You should just go on about your day...
  3. local petname ='Tribbles 2.0'-- You can put ANYTHING here.
  4. local petcolor ='Lime green'-- Change to any color available on ROBLOX.
  5. local o = me.Character -- DO NOT EDIT, Unless you know what you are doing.
  6. part ='Part')-- DO NOT EDIT.
  7. model.Name = petname -- DO NOT EDIT.
  8. h ='Humanoid')-- DO NOT EDIT..
  9. h.MaxHealth =0-- If it is changed to anything other than '0', the pet will break.
  10. h.Parent = model -- Really no reason to edit this.
  11. part.Name ='Head'-- Got bored so I named it... Feel free to rename it... But Check the (,Y,Z) If you rename it.
  12. part.Shape ='Cylinder'--Shapes are Block, Ball, Cylinder
  13. part.Position = o.Head.Position -- Do not edit this.
  14. part.Anchored =true-- Don't edit this unless you want your pet to go through the baseplate.
  15. part.CanCollide =false-- Leave this alone, otherwise your pet will knock you down and mess with your camera.
  16. Don't mess with this please.
  17. part.Transparency =0.1553--Change it to anything between 0-1. (Ex. 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, etc. 1)
  18. part.Size =,4.5,4.5)--DO not change this to anything over 7...
  19. part.Position = +1.6,fly.Head.Position.Y +3.7,fly.Head.Position.Z +2)-- I wouldn't mess with this unless you are epic at scripting.
  20. end

Giant Cat Plush Pet Simulator