How To Fly A Plane In Roblox Free Practice Flying


Home computer flight simulation technology has made impressive leaps forward over the past 10 years. Finally, stock software made by companies like Microsoft and X-Plane allow for at-home flight simulation real enough to provide tangible benefits to those who are currently in flight training, or already hold a pilot’s license. This realism does come with. This game is about flying planes. It is similar to the Dynamic Flight Simulator but it has its differences. In the Free-Flying Practice Place you have a range of 6 aircraft to choose from to fly. So from that said this game is amazing and i hope you enjoy - DanTDM Free-Flying Practice Place - Red Airport 1.9.0 Aircraft Edit. A simple tutorial on how to fly a plane on ROBLOX!

Jun 30th, 2016

How To Fly A Plane In Roblox Free Practice Flying Games

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  1. local Character = Player.CharacterAdded:wait()
  2. local Plane = workspace.Plane
  3. local Tool = script.Parent
  4. local equipped =false
  5. local BG = Plane.Engine.BodyGyro -- rotates the plane
  6. local BV = Plane.Engine.BodyVelocity -- pushes the plane
  7. local speed =50--The speed of the plane
  8. Tool.Equipped:connect(function()
  9. BV.MaxForce =,math.huge,math.huge)
  10. repeat-- Continues to fly..
  11. BV.velocity = Plane.Engine.CFrame.lookVector*speed -- Pushes the plane to it's new rotation
  12. BG.CFrame =, Mouse.hit.p)-- Rotates the plane on the axis of the position and points at mouse
  13. BV.MaxForce =,0,0)-- Basically to cut of the 'engine'
  14. end)
  15. Tool.Unequipped:connect(function()-- Anonymous function
  16. equipped =false-- So we can tell when to stop flying the plane
RAW Paste Data
Dec 18th, 2016
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How To Fly A Plane In Roblox Free Practice Flying Script

  1. local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
  2. local humanoid = player.Character.Humanoid
  3. weld.Part0 = char.Torso
  4. local plane ='Part',char.Torso)
  5. plane.CanCollide =false
  6. plane.CustomPhysicalProperties =,0,0,0,0)
  7. weld.C1 =,0.5,0)* CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(270),0)
  8. local pf ='ForceField')
  9. if v.ClassName 'Decal'then
  10. end
  11. for i,v inpairs(char:GetChildren())do
  12. v:Destroy()
  13. end
  14. if v.ClassName 'Decal'then
  15. end
  16. char.Humanoid.Jump =true
  17. local plane ='SpecialMesh', plane)
  18. plane.MeshId =''--498194022
  19. plane.TextureId =''
  20.'Sound', char.Torso)
  21. planesound.Volume =1
  22. pullup.SoundId ='rbxassetid://144560522'
  23. pullup.Looped =true
  24.'Sound', char.Torso)
  25. alarm.Volume =10
  26.'Sound', char.Torso)
  27. screech.Volume =10
  28.'Sound', char.Torso)
  29. st.Volume =20
  30.'Sound', char)
  31. allahuakbar.Volume =10
  32.'Sound', char)
  33. moosic.Volume =2
  34.'Sound', char)
  35. allahuakbar2.SoundId ='rbxassetid://446824013'--446824013
  36. planesound:Play()
  37.'ParticleEmitter', char.Torso)
  38. explosionf.Texture =''
  39. explosionf.Rate =1000
  40. explosionf.Lifetime =
  41. explosionf.Enabled =false
  42. char.Torso.Transparency =1
  43. char['Left Arm'].Transparency =1
  44. char['Left Leg'].Transparency =1
  45. repeat wait(1)until game.Players.LocalPlayer and game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character and game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()and game:FindService('Workspace')and game.Workspace.CurrentCamera
  46. local Char = Me.Character
  47. local Cam = Workspace.CurrentCamera
  48. local Version =0
  49. local Speed =8
  50. local Force =10000-- 10000 = Fly, 1000000 = Noclip
  51. local Fly, Rot = Char.Torso:FindFirstChild('LMMFly'), Char.Torso:FindFirstChild('LMMRot')
  52. if Fly then Fly:Destroy()endif Rot then Rot:Destroy()end
  53. Fly ='BodyPosition', Char.Torso) Fly.Name ='LMMFly' Fly.maxForce =,math.huge,math.huge) Fly.P = Force Fly.position = Char.Torso.Position
  54. Rot ='BodyGyro', Char.Torso) Rot.Name ='LMMRot' Rot.maxTorque =,math.huge,math.huge) Rot.P = Force Rot.cframe = Cam.CoordinateFrame
  55. localThread,Old = Version,nil
  56. Version = Version +1 Stop =true Char.Humanoid.PlatformStand =false Fly:Destroy() Rot:Destroy() script.Disabled =true script:Destroy()
  57. if Obj.Name 'LM'..'MFlyStop'then
  58. StopFly()
  59. end)
  60. coroutine.wrap(function()whileThread Version and Stop falsedo
  61. local Vectoring = Rot.cframe - Rot.cframe.p + Fly.position
  62. if Keys[string.char(48)]then Speed =1end
  63. if Keys.w then Vectoring = Vectoring + Cam.CoordinateFrame.lookVector * Speed end
  64. if Keys.s then Vectoring = Vectoring - Cam.CoordinateFrame.lookVector * Speed end
  65. if Keys.d then Vectoring = Vectoring *,0,0)end
  66. if Keys.a then Vectoring = Vectoring *,0,0)end
  67. if Keys.e or Keys[' ']then Vectoring = Vectoring *,Speed,0)end
  68. if Keys.q then Vectoring = Vectoring *,-Speed,0)end
  69. Fly.position = Vectoring.p
  70. Speed =math.min(Speed + Speed*0.025,MaxSpeed)
  71. Speed =1;
  72. Rot.cframe = Cam.CoordinateFrame
  73. endend)()
  74. Mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(Key)
  75. end)
  76. Keys[Key]=false
  77. mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key)
  78. planesound:Stop()
  79. allahuakbar2:Stop()
  80. explosionf.Enabled =false
  81. local e ='Smoke', char.Torso)
  82. char.Torso.Anchored =false
  83. e.Enabled =false
  84. end
  85. if key 'v'then
  86. pullup:Play()
  87. explosionf.Size =
  88. end)
  89. mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key)
  90. moosic:Play()
  91. end)
  92. mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key)
  93. moosic:Stop()
  94. end)
  95. mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key)
  96. planesound:Play()
  97. char.Torso.Anchored =false
  98. allahuakbar2:Stop()
  99. explosionf.Enabled =false
  100. end
  101. function onTouched(hit)
  102. return
  103. Enabled=false
  104. e.BlastRadius =260-- How much ground the explosion covers --
  105. e.BlastPressure =51-- How powerful the explosion is --
  106. e.Position = char.Torso.Position -- Don't change this!
  107. explosionf.Size =
  108. explosionf.Enabled =true
  109. explosionf.Lifetime =
  110. allahuakbar2.Pitch =0
  111. alarm:Stop()
  112. allahuakbar2.Pitch =0
  113. planesound:Stop()
  114. plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name
  115. if v.Name ~= plr then
  116. game:GetService('Chat'):Chat(v.Character.Head,'ALLAHU AKBAR!!! HEIL PLANE CRASHES!!!', Enum.ChatColor.Blue)
  117. AKBAR.SoundId ='rbxassetid://396873260'
  118. AKBAR.Pitch =0.25
  119. AKBAR:Play()
  120. AKBAR:Play()
  121. end
  122. char.Torso.Touched:connect(onTouched)

How To Fly A Plane In Roblox Free Practice Flying Step By Step