How To Hack Free Roblox With Kali Linux

  • Mar 07, 2016 The way to hack without kali Linux, sometimes are more complicated than it, lol, I know what you are thinking. Now you’re being more and more interested also more and more excited to start so I won’t broke it up and get started. By using this method, you can’t hack directly but similar to it, so let’s start.
  • Anyways Kali Linux is the point of consideration and how you use Kali Linux to hack a website so that you will know the vulnerability of the project (website). Here is an interesting video tutorial based on SQL-injection and the overall operation had been performed on Kali Linux.
  1. Best Kali Linux Hacks
  2. Kali Linux Online Hack
  3. Kali Linux Hack Iphone
  4. Kali Linux How To Download

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Table Of Content

  • 1 How To Hack Wifi Password Using Kali Linux?
    • 1.1 BruteForce Attack

Hello Friends! Today in this tutorial we’re going to discuss “how to hack wifi password using Kali Linux”. I generally use the Bruteforce attack to crack Wi-Fi password. In this attack, we make a monitor mode in the air by some commands that capture Wi-Fi password in the hash form.

After capturing that hash form password we need to download a wordlist file, you can get it, by clicking here . This list contains so many simple passwords. After doing this we use aircrack-ng tool to match the hashes of capture file with the password list. Once it finds a match, it will show you the correct password.

ALSO READ:- How to hack android phone using Kali Linux?

BruteForce Attack

It is an attack in which an attacker create a password list which is full of common passwords. There is a tool present in Kali called aircrack-ng which try each and every password present in the wordlist very fast.

Start by downloading a wordlist. This will help you later. Let’s begin, open up your terminal and type


It will show you the present wireless cards attached to your system for Wi-Fi.

After this, type

airmon-ng start wlan0

This command will start the monitor mode which is then used to capture the Wi-Fi password.

Then, type

airodump-ng wlan0mon

It will show you available Wi-Fi networks present around you.

Press ctrl+c to stop this. Now, type

airodump-ng -c ‘channel no.’ –bssid ‘ssid of the Wi-Fi which you want to hack’ -w /root/Desktop/ wlan0mon

So, this airodump-ng command captures the information of the Wi-Fi and then type channel no. to give it the information about the router on which we have to perform this attack. Similarly, I give ssid to airodump and then I type -w which shows the location in which I have to save the captured files. So, I saved captured files to Desktop and then I typed Wireless interface name.

It starts showing you the available connected devices to that network then simply open a new terminal and type

aireplay-ng -0 0 -a ‘ssid of the router’ -c ‘ssid of client’ wlan0mon

That’s the command to send unauthenticated packets to the router.

It will disconnect all the devices which are connected to that router. Once it accomplishes its task. Then disconnected devices will send a request to the router for reconnection to the router. At last, we type this command and it will disconnect all the devices from the victim’s router.

When a device sends the packet to reconnect, your monitor mode will capture the password. While it captures the password, in the first terminal window you see at the top right corner there is a handshake present.

But the problem is that the password is in the hash form. We have to decrypt it. So, there are so many methods to decrypt the password. I will discuss all of that in the upcoming posts; so stay tuned.

But here I will show you how to decrypt this password by the BruteForce attack only. So, here I use aircrack-ng which apply every password of the wordlist to the victim’s router silently. Simply, type

aircrack-ng -a2 -b ‘router’s ssid’ -w /root/downloads/’wordlistfilename.txt’ /root/desktop/*.cap.

You see here my attack is complete and I got the password key of the victim’s router.

So, I hope now you have learned how to hack wifi using pc/how to hack wifi using cmd. In the upcoming posts, we will learn much more than this. If you have any doubts regarding any post then you can ask us by posting a comment. 🙂

ALSO READ:- Hack a Windows Computer By Using a Simple Payload

Hacking With Kali Linux

Why Kali Linux?

With Kali Linux, hacking turns out to be significantly simpler since you have every one of the instruments (more than 300 pre-introduced devices) you are most likely ever going to require. Others can be downloaded effortlessly. Presently this instructional exercise will kick you off and you’ll be hacking with Kali Linux before you know it.

The issue with learners

Best kali linux hacks

Presently, I’ve been managing learners since quite a while (and myself was one for quite a while as well). What they need is enchantment. A device which is anything but difficult to utilize, chips away at Windows, can be download via seeking on Google and tapping on the primary connection we see, and will do all the hacking itself on the push of a catch. Tragically, no such apparatus exists (lets be genuine, would you utilize Facebook if an instrument existed which you could introduce on Windows, essentially sort the individual’s username/portable number/email and afterward simply like that get his/her Facebook secret key?).

Hacking is a craftsmanship, and it takes a long time of training to ace it. So how to begin? Having no clue about hacking is alright, yet being an amateur with PCs as a rule is not permitted. When I say apprentice, I mean somebody who has no involvement with programming and with hacking systems. I didn’t mean somebody who needs a 1 page control on the best way to download an instrument. In the event that you need to be a programmer, you need to buckle down. So how to begin? On the off chance that you have introduced Kali Linux, click here to skip past the establishment passages and go to hacking segment of this post)


Presently, I am not exhausting you with hypothesis (^ As if this wasn’t sufficient hypothesis). My point is to come to the heart of the matter where you can begin hacking with Kali Linux as quickly as time permits. What I’m going to do is instruct you. The procedure is somewhat basic :-

In the event that you are absolutely confused with reference to what Kali Linux is – Go to Kali’s authentic site and get a thought.

On the off chance that you haven’t officially done that,go to their download page and download Kali Linux iso record.

Circumstances become difficult at this point

On the off chance that you have no past involvement with Linux and virtual machines and all that stuff, getting Kali Linux up and running won’t be a bit of cake.You have 2 alternatives 3 choices :


1. Read the Kali official documentation

That will give you a thought regarding what is a virtual machine, how OS can be keep running from USB, and how to make a parcel and run 2 OS all the while. This is the thing that I suggest. For that, go to Kali Official Documentation .

2. Read my altered form of Kali documentation

The second alternative is to take a gander at these posts, which are recently sparingly adjusted (and now obsolete) adaptations of the Kali docs, and offer no preferred standpoint other than sparing your opportunity as their documentations cover considerably more than what the ones here do, and you don’t generally need to know all to such an extent… however. I’m connecting them up here:

Introducing Kali Linux On Hard Disk utilizing USB (most effortless)

Double Boot Kali (close by Windows) (difficult, genuinely dangerous, can bring about information misfortune if done disgracefully)

Introduce Kali Linux in VmWare finish definite guide (moderaltely simple)

Best Kali Linux Hacks

3. Use the zillions of instructional exercises on YouTube (New choice)

The time this guide was composed (without precedent for 2013, at that point refreshed in 2014), Kali wasn’t so prominent. In any case, now there are a lot of sites devoted to Kali Linux, and a considerable measure of YouTube recordings on the most proficient method to introduce Kali. My establishment guides are obsolete (dig are for Kali 1.0, now even Kali 2.0 is obsolete and Kali rolling is the thing that the majority of you ought to be utilizing). While you can utilize an old establishment guide and roll out a couple of improvements and have it work for you, it’s better, particularly if it’s your first time introducing a working framework nearby another, that you take after a guide customized for your circumstance (eg. in the event that you are introducing Kali moving on Windows 10 on virtualbox, at that point take after guide for precisely the same, and not for Kali 2.0 on Windows 8 on Vmware).

Introducing an OS is not kidding business, don’t trifle with it, and don’t get demoralized on the off chance that you fizzle at first. Likewise, reinforcement your information in case you’re going for a double boot.

Order Line Interface

Some bash orders

Presently, in the event that you are truly certain about turning into a programmer, you need to get used to linux, and particularly the charge line interface. It is regularly contrasted with (and which is all well and good) to summon provoke of Windows, yet Linux’ cli is much effective and superior to anything charge incite. What you need to do will be do all the standard errands you do in Windows in cli of Linux. Utilize disc to explore, poweroff to shutdown, and so forth.

A truly wonderful site for that is –

Experiencing the entire site is sufficiently alone exercise to keep you possessed for a month, however you can continue bit by bit. The initial couple of instructional exercises here will remember that you don’t have much information about cli, and will be truly learner well disposed.

Some Useful Commands:

On the off chance that you don’t anticipate adapting all of linux cli charges, here are a couple of that will keep your vessel above water.

The default username and secret key is “root” and ‘toor’.

Sort “poweroff” in the terminal to shutdown.

Kali Linux Online Hack

well-suited get order can be utilized to introduce apparatuses and refreshes.

able get refresh and able get redesign will refresh every one of the projects introduced on your machine.

Also visit this Post for More Hacking Tips

Kali Linux Hack Iphone

well-suited get dist-redesign will introduce the most recent dissemination of Kali(i.e. it overhauls your OS).

Kali Linux How To Download

PS : Tapping <tab> while writing influences Kali to finish the word for you . Twofold tapping <tab> influences it to show every single conceivable word beginning with the inadequate word. Ctrl+c stops the working of any device that is running. Squeezing the up bolt key demonstrates the charge you last wrote.

Some Real Hacking With Kali Linux

Accepting you’ve experienced the above strides and are OK with your new hacking condition, its opportunity to do some genuine hacking with Kali Linux. My suggestion is begin by hacking a wifi, at that point do some entrance testing, and perhaps read something on Denial of Service when you have extra time. Connections here-