Xray Hacks Roblox

Sep 23rd, 2018

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  1. local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage')
  2. local mouse = Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
  3. if key 'k' then
  4. Move.Parent = ReplicatedStorage
  5. Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Anchored = true
  6. elseif a true then
  7. Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Anchored = false
  8. end
  9. end)
Native Minecraft Version:
Tested Minecraft Versions:
  • 1.9
  • 1.10
  • 1.11
  • 1.12
  • 1.13
  • 1.14
  • 1.15
  • 1.16
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Where is the config? Found in the top of the axr.sk
Why is it giving me this error?
ERROR Can't compare a player with 'in world 'world' (axr.sk, line 949: if player is in world '{@enabled_world}':')
Select the world name in the GUI.
How do I get fake ores? This is only used with paper spigot; open the 'readme' file and you can use the paper.yml provided in the .zip.
How come I don't see

X Ray For Roblox

alerts? If you are testing it yourself make sure of ALL the following:
  • Enable ore alerts
  • Have the correct world enabled in in the gui
  • Have the correct permissions (axr.alerts)
  • If you are OP, you need to negate the (axr.exempt) permission
  • Not in creative
  • Mined the amount of (x) ore in the timer amount
  • Not mining placed ores. Use natural generated ores to test or set blocks with world edit.
What versions does it work on? Spigot or PaperSpigot1.9.4 - 1.16.x

X-ray Hacks For Roblox

are the official tested versions. Anything below 1.9.4 will not be supported.

Roblox Hacks Windows 10

How do I get Placeholder's to work? Be sure you have PlaceholderAPI and type /papi ecloud download Skript. Xray
PlaceHolders with PlaceHolderAPI: '/papi ecloud download Skript'
Iron Ore = %skript_iore.{player}%
Gold Ore = %skript_gore.{player}%
Lapis Ore = %skript_lore.{player}%
Redstone Ore = %skript_rore.{player}%
Diamond Ore = %skript_dore.{player}%
Emerald Ore = %skript_eore.{player}%

Alert Commands: Add commands you want to execute when you click on the alert message (Version 1.3.4 & higher). For this use `/` in front of the command. Make sure whoever can see the alerts via 'axr.alerts' has access to the command you choose.

Timer: This sets the timer for when you want to get ore alerts. When a player is mining, every X seconds that is set in the config, alerts will send to staff or players with the 'axr.alerts' permission node; saying ['Player has mined 'ores' in 'x' amount of time.]
Ores mined in a x seconds: Sets the alerts for each specific ore. Example:If 15+ gold is mined, it will notify staff with the permission! Whatever ore and the quantity of the ore that is set in the config, it will notify staff of ores mined in the Timer amount. Ore alerts must be enabled in the GUI!

Detect ores in mined x seconds: This is used for the auto detection if it is enabled. Set specific ore numbers within the Timer settings. If a player mines 13 diamonds in 30 seconds. The auto-detection will kick them because that is alot of diamonds within 30 seconds. (ALL OF THIS CAN BE CHANGED!)
AutoKickTime: This is set if a player is auto kicked twice from the detection. On the 3rd time a player has mined more ores than set in the config. It will go on to the next command.
Commands for Auto Detection: Add whatever command you want to execute. Do not use `/` in front of the command. Do not change the variable names or else it won't work!

#!!If you want to disable certain ores alerts, put a '#' in front.
#IE: --> #iron_alert_msg: &e%arg-player% &7found &fIron: %{icounter.%arg-player%}% &7in &e%{timer}% &7seconds!
#!DO NOT change variables in brackets ie --> %{dcounter.%arg-player%}% <--!
#ONLY change colorcodes and other words :)
enabled_world: world
prefix: &8[&6Anti-Xray&8]
truemsg: &7[&a✔ Enabled&7]
falsemsg: &7[&c✘ Disabled&7]
iron_alert_msg: &7found &f%{icounter.%arg-player%}% Iron &7in &e%{timer}% &7seconds!
gold_alert_msg: &7found &6%{gcounter.%arg-player%}% Gold &7in &e%{timer}% &7seconds!
diamond_alert_msg: &7found &b%{dcounter.%arg-player%}% Diamonds &7in &e%{timer}% &7seconds!
emerald_alert_msg: &7found &a%{ecounter.%arg-player%}% Emeralds &7in &e%{timer}% &7seconds!
#message that will appear when you hover over the alert message
alert_hover_msg: &7Click to &6teleport &7to (&e%arg-player%&7)
#Command to execute when you click on the alert message.
#Whoever clicks on the alerts will need permission for the following command(s).
#to disable commands put `#` in front. It might load with an error, but it will still work properly!
#example -> #alert_command1: vanish %player% <-
alert_command1: /tp %arg-player%
#only use a '/' in front for the 1st command!
alert_command2: gamemode spectator %player%
alert_command3: vanish %player%
#Make sure you have the right sounds for your server version!
enabled_sound: entity.player.levelup
disabled_sound: entity.item.break
error_sound: entity.villager.no
#Auto-detection must be enabled in the GUI for this to work!
#autokick for which ore type and how many is mined within the timer amount.
#if it reaches that amount spefic amount for any ore, they will get punished.
#!!USE '%arg-player%' for the player's name!!
auto_alert_message: &e%arg-player% &6might be xraying!
auto_command1: kick %arg-player% &8[&6Anti-Xray&8] &c&lPlease remove xray, you have been warned!
auto_command2: add another command
auto_command3: add another command
auto_command4: add another command
#how many times should autokick happen before the next punishment.
#example: two times the autokick will happen, then on the 3rd time, it will go to the next punishment.
autokicktime: 2
auto_next_message: &e%arg-player% &chas reached the limit for warnings!
auto_next_command1: clearinventory %arg-player%
auto_next_command2: tempban %arg-player% 2h &8[&6Anti-Xray&8] &4&lRemove your xray!
auto_next_command3: add another command here
auto_next_command4: add another command here

Special Thanks to:
@6085kevin - 1st donator!
@Rayk - 2nd donator!

*Dependencies are in the zip folder*
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1. You are permitted to adjust code to your liking but I do not support any damage you may cause while doing so.
2. You are not permitted to sell, give or redistribute this skript as your own in any way.

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